Thursday, February 4, 2016

Self Branding

For our first brief for PPP we have been asked to create our own branding, for our identity as a designer. The task is quite challenging for me because I have a lot of interest from different graphic design areas such us: I love to design magazine covers, doing photography, designing illustrations also tattoo illustrations, designing tags and prints for clothes. It would difficult and challenging for me to combine them all together. The task is quite daunting as we need to effectively and clearly communicate who we are and what's our interest are. My last name is quite long so I know this will have an effects on how to successfully do this brief.

Firstly, I have done a research into personal branding using Pinterest, Tumblr and Behance to get a good understand of trends and to grab a bit of inspiration. I have looked at what already has been done and the way of doing it.

I quite like this idea. I admire how simple it is. They used only limited colours. I think the use of black makes it look professional. As a logo and symbol they have used only an illustration of the moon. The white colour makes it look clean and neat along with the illustration. I will try make my illustration simple. 

With a similar colour choice to the previous brand, the illustration and use of lines on the business card popped out to me. The use of limited colours makes it professional. As i said before I enjoy creating illustrations I would love to be able to include my own drawings and sketches into this project. 

I am not a big fun of creating packaging, but I have chose this idea to post in on the blog as I really like those shapes which have been used under the logo. I feel the logo would be a bit boring without it. The shapes grabs people's attention and making the design look unique. They are all different but they suit each other very well. I would love to design and include some shapes into this project as I feel it would make the design look interesting. 

This one is the funniest example which I have found on Pinterest. I thought I could include it on my blog.  I really like the way the brand have used illustrations of sheep which  clearly and effectively communicate their message. Also the 3D shape of a ship makes this brand out standing from the other ones. 

From doing this research into self branding I have force my brain to get thinking about how I will carry out this brief. My next step is going to do much more focused research to find out and get an idea of how to show my personality and my interest during this brief. I would have to decide if I want to use my name/ surname or do I want to come up with a new name and probably the logo as well. Moreover I need to decide how to combine all my interest together to create this project. 

People's History Museum

We went to the People's History Museum in Manchester. The purpose of this trip was to look at the Show Me The Money exhibition. An exhibition charting how the financial world has been imagined in art, illustration, photography and other visual media. I found the illustrative work very interesting because I like the visual identity within the art. Also I have enjoyed the wall with the annotations on the papers where people have been asked what would they do if they would have 10000 dollars. Couple of photos of the exhibition: