Thursday, April 13, 2017

Anthony Burrill on making a statement, not “visual wallpaper”

I have watched another talk founded on 'It's Nice That' by Anthony Burrill, Anthony is UK’s best-known graphic designer. His impactful typographic posters are instantly recognizable, and he recently compiled the best of them alongside stories, sketches anecdotes about the artworks in a mega new book Make It Now!

Speaking at Nicer Tuesdays, the designer sheds light on the book, the action-inducing messages behind his works and his design ethos. “Make sure you say something with your work,” he says. “Don’t just make visual wallpaper. I was built with a voice… I know I have stuff I want to say.”

“Nice is a strange word,” he continues in typically candid fashion. “A lot of people don’t like it but I’m glad It’s Nice That likes it because how else do you say ’don’t be an arsehole’?”

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