Monday, November 2, 2015

Research about design blogs and new logo of Whitney Museum Of American Art.

Yesterday's lesson in groups we were researching about different style of design blogs from which we can take the inspiration from. As a group we have found numerous of design blogs such as:

- 'QuickSilver' - It features art, design, technology, fashion, music and adverts.
- 'Creative Blog'
- 'It's nice that' - 'Recognisance', 'Adaptable'.
- 'Speckyboy'
- 'The world of a Graphic Design' - Inspirational imagery and projects.
- 'Beautiful Type' - Typography, Illustrations and inspiring ideas.
- 'Grainedit' - Different designer's interviews.
- 'Famillesummer belle' - Designer of prints, textiles, interior accessories, retro theme pictures.
- 'Slapdashing' - typography, branding, UI and packaging.
- 'I love Typography' - All about type. Describes type from now and past.
- 'Creative Review'
- 'Booooooom'
- 'PrettyShitty'
- 'Lovely Packaging' - 'Visual identity', 'Attracts Attention'.
- 'The Dieline' - Packaging and branding. 'New and refreshed',  'Exciting and Enhencing'.
- 'Swiss Miss'
- 'Obsessilicious' - graphic design, pictorial blog, lots of photographs.

Mind map of different types of blogs 

Also we had to research and write a short description and our opinion as a group about the new logo of 'Whitney Museum of American Art'.

Experimentaljetset- Whitney Museum Of American Art. 

As a group we agreed that the design is adaptable and functional in both context and appearance. This makes it suitable to be used in a different ways such as website design, shops fronts and advertising. The use of the logo on the website is functional as it divides the information up so easy to read. The logo can be used on a big or small scale and it still will be recognisable. 

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