Thursday, April 13, 2017

Anthony Burrill on making a statement, not “visual wallpaper”

I have watched another talk founded on 'It's Nice That' by Anthony Burrill, Anthony is UK’s best-known graphic designer. His impactful typographic posters are instantly recognizable, and he recently compiled the best of them alongside stories, sketches anecdotes about the artworks in a mega new book Make It Now!

Speaking at Nicer Tuesdays, the designer sheds light on the book, the action-inducing messages behind his works and his design ethos. “Make sure you say something with your work,” he says. “Don’t just make visual wallpaper. I was built with a voice… I know I have stuff I want to say.”

“Nice is a strange word,” he continues in typically candid fashion. “A lot of people don’t like it but I’m glad It’s Nice That likes it because how else do you say ’don’t be an arsehole’?”

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Jon Burgerman - Doodling on photos - Instagram

Looking at 'It's Nice That' I have found quite interesting speech done by Jon Burgerman talking about his utterly brilliant Instagram experiments.

Illustrator Jon Burgerman may be renowned for his characterful hand-drawn doodles, but is followed by tens of thousands for his utterly brilliant Instagram account. Doodling on photos and using the medium of Stories for animation experiments, he brings character and silliness to day-to-day scenarios in remarkable ways.

For Nicer Tuesdays he hopped over from his NYC studio to tell us more about his work and process. Kicking off with a high-speed introduction to himself, the “power of doodles” and other ridiculous things along the way (poodles, strudel etc.), and showing hilarious insight to his creative approach, this talk cannot be missed.

Here is the link to the video: 

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Katagami – the Craft of the Japanese Stencil

This exhibition celebrates ‘katagami’: Japanese resist dyeing stencils. Although produced simply as tools, in recent years the katagami have come to be appreciated as beautiful objects themselves. It was beneficial for me to attend the exhibition with the style of work I have never produced. The exhibition contained lots of different designs in the 'katagami' style. The exhibition took place in University in Leeds and is live till 7 December this year. 

Katagami – the Craft of the Japanese Stencil

Image result for Katagami – the Craft of the Japanese Stencil

Image result for Katagami – the Craft of the Japanese Stencil