Monday, November 28, 2016

Magical Lantern Festival

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Image result for magical lantern festival leeds 2016

Image result for magical lantern festival leeds 2016

The Magical Lantern Festival makes its debut in Yorkshire at Roundhay Park in Leeds following the hugely successful UK launch in London last year. The Magical Lantern Festival is a spectacular fusion of art, heritage and culture. A stunning outdoor Xmas themed event, a festival of light and illumination. Visitors will follow a trail around Roundhay Park and explore amazing giant lanterns, which represent Xmas, traditional Chinese culture and the amazing 2000-year heritage of Lantern Festivals.

The festival was amazing and magical, the idea of the festival was to give the visitors freedom of making their own journey, so everyone could go anywhere they would like to . 

Friday, October 7, 2016

Light Night Leeds

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Image result for light night leeds 2016

Leeds most illuminating event, returns for 2017 celebrating its 13th anniversary with a night of spectacular light projections, exhibitions, installations, film, dance, music, theater and street performances taking over Leeds City Centre. The Light Night in Leeds this year was amazing and I really enjoyed. Last year I didn't have a chance to attend this, so this year definitely I wanted to check it out. 

Friday, September 30, 2016

The Weather Cafe

The Weather Cafe

THE WEATHER CAFÉ is an immersive café installation that responds to the changing weather of the city. Inside, the shifting environment evolves as the wind blows, the rain falls and a thick cloud rolls underneath in an ever-changing orchestration of sound and imagery.
Created by David Shearing, THE WEATHER CAFÉ presents the voices of over 100 people living and connected to Leeds. The installation acts as a barometer to reflect the emotional climate of the city. Made in collaboration with composer James Bulley and creative technologist Daniel Jones.
A visit in the The Weather cafe was amazing, one main element was the use of the sound as it included by recordings of the voices of 100 different Leeds locals, taken from the conversation that David himself has undertaken, as he's explored what people think and how they feel about Leeds. 
The event was only running for couple of days, but it was very amazing and I hope the event will take place again in Leeds. 

Image result for weather cafe leeds

Related image

Image result for weather cafe leeds

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Yorkshire Sculpture Park

We went to the Yorkshire Sculpture park to take photos for our new project. We have to design a 5 different symbol for that place. I found it really interesting as this will help me to develop my project and to design appropriate symbol for this place. We found numerous of curious sculptures. The one which really sticked to my mind was colourful octopus and the bridge with typography on it. The sculptures were contrasting well to the background of the trees in magical autumn’s colours. 

Bon and Roberta Smith: Art por all at Yorkshire Sculpture Park  

                                                                              Niki de Saint Phalle at Yorkshire Sculpture Park
Jonathan Borofsky at Yorkshire Sculpture Park  

'ha-ha Bridge' by Brian Fell at Yorkshire Sculpture Park  

'Trees’ by Dennis Openheim at Yorkshire Sculpture Park  

Marialuisa Tadei - Octopus at Yorkshire Sculpture Park

Why am I here - What do I want to learn?

Identify and explain 5 reasons why you chose to study on this course:

1- I know that art subject would always interest me. Firstly I have applied for BA Interior Design but after a week I have cancelled my applications because my whole portfolio was Graphic Design and Photography based. I wasn't as much passionate about interior design than I was about Graphic Design. Lots of my friends and family said they can imagine me studying Graphic Design. 

2- During my GCSE's, A-levels and Foundation course I did Graphic Design, Art and Photography. 
I did chose Graphic Design as this is allowing me to use my photography and art skill. 

3- Leeds College of Art has a really good reputation for this course. 

4- The employability rate is high. 

5- I always wanted to be a tattoo designer or to open my own brand and design prints for a t-shirts, logos and tags etc. 

Identify and explain 5 things that you want to learn during your time on the course:

1- Learn how to use Adobe Software such us PhotoShop and Illustrator. 

2- Learn how to design logos, symbols etc. 

3- Learn Screen Printing. 

4-  Develop my own style. 

Identify and explain 5 things that you think are your strengths: 

1- Own style 

2- Skills in Photography 

Identify and explain 5 things you would like to improve:

1- I would like to improve on my public speaking skills. I am very shy and quite person speaking in front of the whole class is not of my strong points. 

2- I would love to be more confident. 

3- I would like to improve my way of experimenting and developing my work. I was always this kind of person that went straight to the final idea without showing my process.Also when I was getting a new brief straight away I was thinking about the final idea without trying a range of different things. 

4- I want to learn more about Graphic Design. 

5- Refining Ideas. 

Identify and explain 5 things that inspire you:

1- Rik Lee- is one artist who has really inspired me 3/4 years ago and I am still taking the inspiration from him. He's designing different tattoo illustrations. 

2- Friends - I found that you can learn a lot from your friends. I am always asking them for their feedback on my work. This is really helping me developing my work. 

3- People's space and workplaces - I love seeing the walls full of different illustrations and ideas.

4- Blogs - I love scrolling thought different blogs whether they are on tumblr, instagram or blogger. It is giving me lots of inspirations sometimes. 

Identify and explain 5 examples of design that demonstrate your fields of creative interest:

1- Illustrations using only fine linear. 

Sketched drawing showing a combination of images infused together to create a combined image:

2- Logo's and branding.

3- Rik Lee - He is a Graphic Designer and Illustrator.

4- Liz Clements - Illustrator.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

XO XO exhibition

Last Monday I have been visiting XO XO exhibition. It was really good to see all the artwork done by second year art design students from my school. Here are photographs from the exhibition:










PPP Presentation

Today I had to present to the class my PPP presentation which is not my favourite thing to do as I am very shy and quite person but I feel thought PPP I have become more confident even if it's not one of my strong points.