Thursday, March 17, 2016

Why am I here - What do I want to learn?

Identify and explain 5 reasons why you chose to study on this course:

1- I know that art subject would always interest me. Firstly I have applied for BA Interior Design but after a week I have cancelled my applications because my whole portfolio was Graphic Design and Photography based. I wasn't as much passionate about interior design than I was about Graphic Design. Lots of my friends and family said they can imagine me studying Graphic Design. 

2- During my GCSE's, A-levels and Foundation course I did Graphic Design, Art and Photography. 
I did chose Graphic Design as this is allowing me to use my photography and art skill. 

3- Leeds College of Art has a really good reputation for this course. 

4- The employability rate is high. 

5- I always wanted to be a tattoo designer or to open my own brand and design prints for a t-shirts, logos and tags etc. 

Identify and explain 5 things that you want to learn during your time on the course:

1- Learn how to use Adobe Software such us PhotoShop and Illustrator. 

2- Learn how to design logos, symbols etc. 

3- Learn Screen Printing. 

4-  Develop my own style. 

Identify and explain 5 things that you think are your strengths: 

1- Own style 

2- Skills in Photography 

Identify and explain 5 things you would like to improve:

1- I would like to improve on my public speaking skills. I am very shy and quite person speaking in front of the whole class is not of my strong points. 

2- I would love to be more confident. 

3- I would like to improve my way of experimenting and developing my work. I was always this kind of person that went straight to the final idea without showing my process.Also when I was getting a new brief straight away I was thinking about the final idea without trying a range of different things. 

4- I want to learn more about Graphic Design. 

5- Refining Ideas. 

Identify and explain 5 things that inspire you:

1- Rik Lee- is one artist who has really inspired me 3/4 years ago and I am still taking the inspiration from him. He's designing different tattoo illustrations. 

2- Friends - I found that you can learn a lot from your friends. I am always asking them for their feedback on my work. This is really helping me developing my work. 

3- People's space and workplaces - I love seeing the walls full of different illustrations and ideas.

4- Blogs - I love scrolling thought different blogs whether they are on tumblr, instagram or blogger. It is giving me lots of inspirations sometimes. 

Identify and explain 5 examples of design that demonstrate your fields of creative interest:

1- Illustrations using only fine linear. 

Sketched drawing showing a combination of images infused together to create a combined image:

2- Logo's and branding.

3- Rik Lee - He is a Graphic Designer and Illustrator.

4- Liz Clements - Illustrator.

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