Thursday, March 17, 2016

Yorkshire Sculpture Park

We went to the Yorkshire Sculpture park to take photos for our new project. We have to design a 5 different symbol for that place. I found it really interesting as this will help me to develop my project and to design appropriate symbol for this place. We found numerous of curious sculptures. The one which really sticked to my mind was colourful octopus and the bridge with typography on it. The sculptures were contrasting well to the background of the trees in magical autumn’s colours. 

Bon and Roberta Smith: Art por all at Yorkshire Sculpture Park  

                                                                              Niki de Saint Phalle at Yorkshire Sculpture Park
Jonathan Borofsky at Yorkshire Sculpture Park  

'ha-ha Bridge' by Brian Fell at Yorkshire Sculpture Park  

'Trees’ by Dennis Openheim at Yorkshire Sculpture Park  

Marialuisa Tadei - Octopus at Yorkshire Sculpture Park

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