Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Self Branding

First if all I had to come up with an appropriate nick name for my self branding project. I have done a bit of research looking at different names which are associated with the moon, night as I love to contain illustrations of the moons in my designs. Also the moon is associated with night and black colour. All my illustrations are always black and white. I love using only fine linear. During my research I have looked at Greek gods names. I have found a name which is 'Luna'. Luna is described as being the goddess of the moon. Her symbols are the crescent moon  and the two-yoke chariot (biga). She was often depicted with the crescent of the moon above her forehead. She is often depicted as a pale woman riding in a silver chariot, and was a patroness of charioteers. 

The other idea which I have come up for my name was 'Moon Cat' and 'Moon Raven'. I have included a cat in my name mainly because I love cats and lots of my illustrations contain them. Egyptians were devout cat worshippers and believed that the animal was an extension of the Moon goddess, Bastet. She was not only the guardian of the Pharaoh and of Lower Egypt, but also the Divine Mother and a warrior goddess who provided for her beloved subjects. The idea of linking cats with hunting, protection and motherhood also crossed over into ancient Rome and cats became the symbol of the goddess Diana. Diana was the goddess of the hunt, the moon and childbirth, being associated with wild animals and woodland, and having the power to talk to and control animals. 

While searching for different names on the internet I have found a constellation list. There was couple of names which I really liked the meaning of. I have looked at:


Abbreviation: Ari
Genitive: Arietis
Translation: The Ram

Position in the Sky:
Right Ascension: 3 hours
Declination: 20 degrees
Visible between latitudes 90 and -60 degrees
Best seen in December (at 9:00 PM)

Named Stars:

HAMAL (Alpha Ari)SHARATAN (Beta Ari)MESARTHIM (Gamma 2 Ari)BBOTEIN (Delta Ari)
This is one of the 13 constellations of the Zodiac. 


Abbreviation: Mon
Genitive: Monocerotis
Translation: The Unicorn

Position in the Sky:Right Ascension: 7 hoursDeclination: -5 degreesVisible between latitudes 75 and -85 degreesBest seen in February (at 9:00 PM)


Abbreviation: Sco
Genitive: Scorpii
Translation: The Scorpion

Position in the Sky:Right Ascension: 7 hoursDeclination: -5 degreesVisible between latitudes 75 and -85 degreesBest seen in February (at 9:00 PM)


Abbreviation: Lyn
Genitive: Lyncis
Translation: The Lynx

Position in the Sky:
Right Ascension: 8 hours
Declination: 45 degrees
Visible between latitudes 90 and -35 degrees
Best seen in March (at 9:00 PM)

Named Stars
Alsciaukat (31 Lyn)


Abbreviation: Lup
Genitive: Lupi
Translation: The Wolf

Position in the Sky

Right Ascension: 15 hours
Declination: -45 degrees
Visible between latitudes 35 and -90 degrees
Best seen in June (at 9:00 PM)


Abbreviation: Vul
Genitive: Vulpeculae
Translation: The Fox

Position in the Sky:Right Ascension: 20 hours
Visible between latitudes 90 and -55 degrees
Best seen in September (at 9:00 PM)
Declination: 25 degrees

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