Monday, March 13, 2017

Creative Presence

After a short wait he has replied and provided me with the answers. Rik was very kind answering those questions. The answers were pretty educative and useful. I am very happy that I got in touch with Rik and managed to get reply.

His answers were:

What's your favourite animal? 

1. I like dogs. I have two, a black Labrador and a Bali Dog (a mix breed street dog that we found, here in Bali) Labradors would have to be my favorite animals, they have such beautiful personalities. So much patience, caring and love.

What is your personal favourite piece of work to date? 

2. Ohh, that's a tough one! I don't think I have one particular favorite as such. I like pieces I've made for different reasons. For example, I may be proud of a drawing from a technical point of view, while I'll be happy with another for it's creativity or originality. My current favorites are the more recent illustrations I've made, including "Return", "Together. Forever", "Kitsune" and "Evil Twin"

Do you have a personal motto? 

3. Love what you do and work harder than everyone else.

Who inspires you? and why? 

4. My friends. Because they're the best. 

If you could, what piece of advise would you give to your younger self? 

5. Drink less, draw more! Hahaha. Seriously though, I'd encourage my younger self to be more confident. I think I passed up a few opportunities and didn't pursue things I wanted because I was shy and afraid of failure. Looking back now, I think I would have been more successful than I had thought and even if it hadn't gone to plan, it would have been a worthwhile experience and a good story. Which is what life is all about really. 

I have also responded to Rik: 

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