Saturday, March 11, 2017

Visiting Professional - Claire - Studio 12

Studio 12

Studio12 is an exemplary digital media initiative, that invests in the creative talents of disadvantaged young people (16-30) living in Leeds. Studio12 strives to provide young people with a creative process to educate, engage and include young people in producing new work. It provides free access to a production studio, training, accredited qualifications and an industry panel of creative professionals. Part of Leeds Central Library, the space houses a fully equipped studio with a wide range of industry based multimedia, video, photography, music equipment and software packages. People accessing Studio12 are encouraged and supported to work towards attaining an accredited qualification and portfolios of work. 

Their main objectives:

  • They empower people that are passionate about their culture. 
  • They want to engage with young people living in Leeds.
  • This enables young people to become the producers of new media content. 
  • The want to empower young people to transfer and further develop their skills in new environments and provide knowledge of and everyday access to the wide resources of library service. 
  • It's the people that come to them's projects that are the most important.

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