Saturday, March 11, 2017

Instagram - Toffee The Bunny

As I really miss photography this year, and we are not having a lot of projects were I can use my photography skills I have decided to create an Instagram Profile. The account is called toffee_the_bunny as it contains lots of photographs of my rabbit. When my friend saw the photographs, he advice me to make an Instagram account so that I could upload them and gain some feedback from other people as he thought that they are some quality photos.

toffee_the_bunny - link 

In two weeks since creating an account I have started gaining lots of followers, likes and comments. I have never thought that this kind of account might be as much successful. Due to deadlines and work which I had to do for uni I couldn't take as many pictures as I did before. I really want to focus on it during the summer holidays mainly because I have applied for an online application called 'IndaHash' which allows to earn money thought taking photos for different companies/ campaigns and promoting their products. The next company which I have applied to and been accepted is called 'Amazon Associates' For this company all I need to do is promote different products in the comments on my Instagram profile. The other company in which I really want to get accepted is called 'Takumi', the application is similar to the 'IndaHash' all you need to do is promote different company's products through pictures. I haven't been accepted yet as there is couple or requirements I still need to achieve.

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