Friday, March 17, 2017

Online shop - Mitsuvanity

During summer holidays I would like to focus more on my online shop. For now, I have only created a web page with my logo and the name of it which is going to be called 'Mitsuvanity' mainly because I am using this nickname everywhere on social medias and people know me by it. I had used handwriting font style for mainly because the shop will contain different illustrations or designs for phone/MacBook cases, and designs for postcards, notepads etc... I thinking about connecting this account with my Instagram profile as well. My idea is to add some photography work to create postcards etc.

I have looked at different already existing online shops to get some ideas and inspiration. I have started from looking at Rik Lee's online shop mainly because he is a person who really inspires me. The other blogs/ online shops show how I want my web page to look like.

Rik Lee's online shop:

Home Page

His web page starts with his logo on the top and a range of different options/buttons to chose from like products, about, faq, contact, cart, clothing and subscribe. On the bottom of the page, there is a collection of illustrations/designs created by Rik Lee.

About Page

The next page is 'About' page with contains all the information about Rik Lee like where he lives, his hobby, his biggest clients and a bit about his work.  I think this page is important so clients may know a bit about myself. 
Contact Page 

The contact page is designed to allow customers to contact with him. 
 I have found a couple of more online shops which shows what I would like to achieve.

Related image

I have also look for some youtube videos about 'How to start a Business online' which quickly explains and gives different helpful tips.

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