Saturday, March 11, 2017

Visiting Professional - LCA Alumni - Harrison Park

Harrison Park is a Graphic Design alumni. During his presentation he explained us why its so important to network with build and build relationship. It's because one contact can lead you to many others contacts. He told us also that the jobs and work after the uni is not handed to us 'on the plate' we need to 'work hard it, be passionate'. 

He told us a story about how he worked in retail jobs after university then realised he shouldn't take that route because he had spent time on getting an education to do what he was passionate about. Another point which he explained to us what about 'selling yourself', 'don't be a dick' be humble it's because no one wants to work with someone who is arrogant or difficult as it would give that person a bad reputation. 'Don't be afraid to ask questions' and 'rejections' happens. 

He worked at a studio with his friend, he was convincing him self that he loves it because his friend did and he didn't. 'Stay true to your self' If its not working try something else. 'You are as good as your last project'. 'No ones ever looked at what grade I got'. Your portfolio and who you are as the person is so much more important than what you graduate with. He also said that it's beneficial to 'collaborate - use people around you and on other courses'. If you will contact professionals 'make it persona', talk about one of their recent projects, boots their ego or do something different. Go trial in different places. You don't have to take the first opportunity just make sure you know what is right for you.

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